Ndeupi musiyano weCarbon fiber sheet Layout?

0 ° / 90 ° (yakajairwa uye inonyanya kushandiswa kuronga)


Iyi ndiyo yakajairwa kurongeka kwekabhoni fiber mabhodhi uye yakakodzera kune akawanda maapplication.Iine 0°/90° kugadzika, kabhoni ndiro inopa simba repamusoro uye kusimba muaxial uye inochinjika nzira.Yedu 0 °/90 ° kabhoni fiber board ndeye unidirectional kabhoni fiber prepreg yakagoverwa zvakafanana mu0 ° uye 90 ° nzira.Nekudaro, kune "X" FPV furemu, pasi pemamiriro ekuchengetedza mari, maoko akachekwa kunze kwekabhoni fiber board akagadzirwa nehurongwa uhu haana kusimba.

Quasi-isotropic (0°/90°/+45°/-45°) -special simba paving

Vatengi vakawanda vanosarudza iyo "X" FPV furemu yese-mune-imwe modhi.Kuti tikwanise kuzadzisa zvinodiwa nevatengi maererano nesimba uye mutengo, tinoshandisa 0 °/90°/45° unidirectional jira jira rakaenzanirana symmetrical lamination pakugadzira kabhoni faibha laminates.Iyi yakawedzera 45 ° stack yakanyanya kuomarara pane shaft.Yedu quasi-mapuleti akagovaniswa zvakafanana unidirectional kabhoni fiber prepregs ine mafambiro e0 °, 90 °, +/-45 °.Urongwa uhwu hunosangana nezvinodiwa zvepamusoro-soro zve "X" FPV furemu.

Yakachengetwa kabhoni fiber sheet

We have made stocks of different thicknesses of commonly used carbon fiber boards, and the normal stock sizes are 400X500mm and 500X600mm. We have many different thickness and size options. At the same time, we can also customize boards with different thicknesses of 0.3-30mm. The size of the carbon fiber board can also be customized. The largest board we have ever made is 1200X2000mm. For the carbon fiber board in stock, we can arrange the shipment within 2-3 working days. Want to buy carbon fiber board or get the latest price, please send an inquiry or email info@feimoshitech.com. In addition, if you need a carbon fiber board with a special size or thickness, please let us know, and we can customize the carbon fiber board according to your specifications.

hombe kabhoni fiber plate

Nguva yekutumira: Nov-25-2021

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